Suzuki Strings
of Orange County
To help you find the best teacher for your child, we have provided information that will assist you with interviewing prospective teachers as well as a list of teachers.
Steps to Finding a Teacher
Decide which teachers you would like to interview.
Contact & interview each teacher you are considering.
Make appointments to observe lessons of 2 or 3 of the teachers you have interviewed.
Decide with your child (if appropriate) which teacher s/he would like to study with.
Sample Interview Questions
What is your training, educational background, and teaching experience?
Many teachers will have had Suzuki teacher training conducted by master teachers, certified as teacher-trainers by the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA). -
What is your teaching philosophy?
What is my role as a parent?
Are opportunities provided for group musical experiences?
Does your program include regular recitals or performance opportunities?
How many lessons per week or month?
What length lesson do you recommend for my child?
Do you have a written studio policy?
Where is your studio located?
What is the tuition and when are payments due?
What to Watch for When Observing Lessons
Observe the relationship between parent & teacher and child & teacher.
Is there a good balance between concentrated work and relaxed conversation?
Are corrections made in an encouraging and supportive way?
Does the teacher demonstrate the ability to solve basic technical problems that a student may have?
Does the teacher make sure the parent understands how & what to practice at home?
Suggested Reading
To better understand the Suzuki philosophy of Talent Education, you may find it helpful to read some introductory materials before selecting an instrument and a teacher.
Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki
Ability Development from Age Zero by Shinichi Suzuki
Suzuki Concept by Elizabeth Mills and Sister Cecile Murphy
To Learn With Love by William and Constance Starr
Teaching from the Balance Point by Ed Kreitman
Finding a Teacher
There is a list of teachers available at this website.
To find teachers in our branch,
enter "Orange County Strings Branch" in the search field.