Suzuki Strings
of Orange County
Welcome to the
Suzuki Strings Graduation Portal
Your One-Stop for everything about this year's Suzuki Graduation
It's time for some kudos!!
Have your kids been practicing super hard? The Suzuki Strings of Orange County would like to give them some hard earned recognition! We hope you will join us for a special Suzuki Stings Graduation Ceremony this Spring. The graduation process is designed to enhance the development of the performer in many ways: quality of tone, intonation, articulation, and musical artistry are reviewed and constructive comments are given by selected teachers in the area. The Suzuki Graduations give students recognition for completing milestones in their journey of violin/viola/cello study, and it also inspires the younger performers to reach the highest levels of playing!
Mark your calendars.
April 27, 2024
Bethel Baptist Church
901 S. Euclid Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704
(Use this address. There are a few churches in the area with similar names)
Concert Dress:
Girls -- Dressy dresses (long or below the knee.) Skirts (long or below the knee length) and a dressy top. Black pants and a dressy top
Boys -- Slacks and a dress shirt.
Please, no gym shoes, T-shirts, or jeans
Complete the checklist by March 10th!!
Work with your teacher to make a simple recording of your child playing their graduation piece*
Fill out the online registration form
Include the $25 graduation fee
Upload your child's video link with registration
A Few Recording Details:
Please have your child add the following introduction to their recording: "My name is ________________, I am ____________ years old. My teacher is ____________. My current piece is __________. My graduation piece is ______________, by ________________. I play on a _______ size instrument.
Please name the file as follows: Year/Instrument/Teacher/Student/Piece (i.e. 2024/Violin/Gustafson/John Doe/Bocc Minuet)
All videos will be uploaded to a private account, accessible only to the teachers that are commenting constructively on the performances.
*Graduation Pieces:
Students will perform one piece for the Book they are graduating from. Ask your teacher for specific tempo markings.
Violin Repertoire
Level 1A: Twinkle (Suzuki)
Level 1B: Gavotte (Gossec)
Level 2: Minuet (Boccherini)
Level 3: Bourree (Bach)
Level 4: Concerto in A minor (Vivaldi)
Level 5: Concerto in G minor (Vivaldi)
Level 6: La Folia (Corelli)
Level 7: Concerto in A minor, mvts. 1 and 2 (Bach)
Level 8: Sonata in E minor, mvts. 1 and 2 (Veracini)
Level 9: Concerto No. 4 in D Major with cadenza (Mozart/Joachim)
Level 10: Rondo and Paradis, Sicilienne (Mozart)
Level 11: Chaconne (Vitali)
Level 12: Concerto in E minor, mvts. 1 OR 3 (Mendelssohn)
Viola Repertoire
Level 1A: Twinkle (Suzuki)
Level 1B: Gavotte (Gossec)
Level 2: Minuet (Boccherini)
Level 3: Bourree (Bach)
Level 4: Concerto in G Major, mvts. 1 and 2 (Telemann)
Level 5: Cello Suite No. 1 (Bach) AND Concerto No. 3 in C minor, mvt. 1 (Seitz)
Level 7: Concerto in B minor, mvts. 1 and 2 (Handel/Casadesus)
Level 8: Romanze, Op 85 (Bach/Preucil)
Cello Repertoire
Level 1A: Twinkle (Suzuki)
Level 1B: Minuet (Bach)
Level 2: Theme from "Witches' Dance" (Paganini)
Level 3: Minuet in G (Beethoven)
Level 4: Sonata in C Major, No. 1, Allegro (Breval)
Level 5: Sonata in E minor, No. 5, mvts.1 and 2 (Vivaldi)
Level 6: Sonata in G minor, Largo and Allegro (Eccles)
Level 7: Elegie (Faure)
Level 8: Concerto in Bb Major, mvt. 1 (Boccherini)